BSP - Beratung, Schulung, Projekte

Terminal Session Configuration

When you have installed the MVS Tur(n)key system, a certain, default, terminal configuration was created:

For some people this configuration may be too complex, for others too simple. Therefore I have provided a configuration script with which you can easily modify your configuration file conf/turnkey_mvs.conf. You find it in the directory on the hard disk where you installed the Tur(n)key System. The invokation parameters are

   ><--setterm -----+--------------+---+------------+---+-------------+------><
                    !              !   !            !   !             !
                    +----- -a -----+   +---- -n ----+   +------ -s ---+

                    automatic setup    no ANSI colors     simple setup
                    use all defaults

With other words, if you enter

setterm -a

in the Tur(n)key installation directory, then the file conf/turnkey_mvs.conf will be modified to contain the above constellation (again).

If you enter

setterm -s

an alternate, simple setup will be used with

And. of course, nobody stops you from using

setterm -as

combining automatic mode with alternate, simple setup.

If you enter


without any parameters, you will be prompted for some information:

  Tur(n)key 3270 Master Console setup:

   How many 3277 master consoles do you want for the Tur(n)key system?
   The value must be greater or equal 0
                    and less or equal 2
   Just press the ENTER key for the default

===> [ 2 ]

Here you can adjust the number of 3277 type master consoles within the specified bounds. For each console you will need a tn3270 session to connect to Hercules after Hercules was started, but before you perform an IPL of the MVS system. The unit addresses assigned will be

(in that order). Next you'll see

  Tur(n)key 3215 Master Console setup:

   How many 3215 master consoles do you want for the Tur(n)key system?
   The value must be greater or equal 0
                    and less or equal 2
   Just press the ENTER key for the default

===> [ 1 ]

Here you can adjust the number of 3215 type master consoles within the specified bounds. For each console you will need a telnet session to connect to Hercules after Hercules was started. The unit addresses assigned will be

(in that order). The next screen will look like this:

  Tur(n)key 3270 Terminal sessions setup:

   How many 3270 Terminal Sessions do you want for the Tur(n)key system?
   The value must be greater or equal 1
                    and less or equal 32
   Just press the ENTER key for the default

===> [ 3 ]

This screen allows you to control the number of termina sessions that will be available to VTAM. You will need a tn3270 session to connect to Hercules before VTAM is started. If the terminal sessions are (re-)connected after VTAM was started, you need to manually issue VTAM commands to inactivate and then activate the terminal sessions. (Try function key PF2 on a 3270 master console for semi-automatically issueing the commands) Also see the How to ... document for more info. The unit addresses assigned will be

(in that order).

Please note that running the setterm script is not sufficient if you want to use more than 3 VTAM terminal sessions. You will also have to update the VTAM control file at SYS1.VTAMLST(LCLMAJ00) to include the additional devices.

The last screen where you need to provide some information is

  Tur(n)key Socket Reader Device setup:

   Do you want to utilize the Socket reader device?
   Just press the ENTER key for the default

===> [ Y ]

The device at address 00C is a reader, controlled by JES2. You can send jobs (JCL streams) from your PC to JES2/MVS via this reader device. (Also see the How to submit a Job documentation) The data can be sent to the reader via the devinit command on the Hercules console, or via a network utility (netcat, HercRdR) from the operating system command line. The screen above asks you which method you prefer.

If you choose to use the socket reader device, a message will be displayed on the MVS screen after JES2 has started, until you submit your first job thriugh the socket reader device. The message looks like this

 * *IEA000A 00C,INT REQ,42,0E40,4000,,,JES2

And will be highlighted and not-rollable on the 3270 master console(s). If you submit the dummy job from the JCL subdirectory then the message will disappear.

All information has been given to the script, and it will now show you the values selected

  Terminal Setup Options:

   Name of configuration file: conf/turnkey_mvs.conf
   Number of 3277 Master Consoles: 2
   Number of 3215 Master Consoles: 1
   Number of 3270 Terminal Sessions: 3
   Socket device will be used on reader 000C

Press the ENTER key to continue

The configuration file conf/turnkey_mvs.conf has now been activated. The changes will become active the next time you start Hercules via the startmvs command